How Do I Automatically Repair Windows Problems?
Depending on the version of Windows you're using, there are several different ways to automatically repair major Windows operating system problems without resorting to a destructive process, like a Reset Your PC or a Windows Clean Install . The newest versions of Windows have really easy, automated ways of repairing problems that you might have tried to fix manually but were unsuccessful at, like random error messages, overall slowness, even problems that prevent Windows from starting at all. It mixed all old versons of windows with some automatic repairs of certain types of issues. How Do I Automatically Repair Windows Problems? Most of the time, especially when a major problem is occurring, the best way to automatically repair Windows is to boot from recovery media, or the original Windows setup media, and choosing the correct diagnostic option. The specific steps involved in performing a Startup Repair, a Repair Install, or a Refresh Your PC can differ c...